Geranium hybrid 'Philippe Vapelle'

Height Small, Medium
Situation Sun
Colour Purple, Blue
Soil Type Reasonable soil, Well drained & dry soil
Season Summer
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Key Features: Bluish-purple flowers, held over a neat mound of textured, soft and hairy, grey-green foliage. Perfect for a dry, sunny position.

Height x Spread: 12 x 18 inches (30 x 45 cm)

Preferred Aspect: Sun

Flowering Period: June - September

Parentage: G. renardii x G. platypetalum

Philippe Vapelle is one of several renardii hybrids, which all look very similar in form but with different flower colours. Whereas the straight species is almost white, the hybrids come in various shades of violet and light blue, with similar darker veins. These types make a good choice for a rock garden or the front of a sunny border, and they are also suited to seaside locations.

Hardy Geraniums are one of the most diverse genera of herbaceous perennials. It is possible to find a Geranium to suit most parts of your garden, from the vast range of species and varieties available. They complement most other plants beautifully and, chosen wisely, can provide a continuation of colour in the garden from spring through to early winter.

Please note that the heights, spreads and flowering periods mentioned are approximate, as they can be affected by your soil type, light levels and other various conditions that may surround the plant.